Excellence in Paranormal Investigations

Are you looking for someone to help you with something unusual?  Getting help isn’t as easy as googling ghosts anymore. Everything is Paranormal these days !  And I mean EVERYTHING!   Type in the word paranormal, search ghosts /ghost hunting and an armada of sites are available. There are paranormal clubs, hobbyists, researchers, demonologists, para “celebs’, Paranormal TV,  paranormal blogs, websites, radio, Paranormal evidence, photos, paranormal videos, vegetables etc. “Paranormal ” is  no longer a fad for wannabee ghost hunters, it’s a buzz word for making money.

It is possible to find  reliable information and a trustworthy team and  there are some wonderful dedicated people out there. Unfortunately,  finding a trustworthy team to come into your home and investigate can prove to be difficult.   There are multitude of paranormal search sites. It’s easy to find a ghost hunter anywhere in the world in a few seconds !   Posting your plight  on social media sites such as FB,(although not recommended), will  garner requests from hundreds of various groups.  It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of teams that advertise for cases. Be wary for there are many pitfalls to avoid.

Choosing the right team depends what you want.

If you want to be on television, go to the listings of television shows and submit a request. TV teams usually send a local team to do an initial assessment, and if your story is interesting the more famous team will schedule .

If you want the truth, selecting the right team is essential.  There are  many groups who will  publicize your haunting and  your personal information,your address and photos without asking permission.  The  pitfalls are many for the  unwary.

We urge everyone to go to our website http://www.portcityparanormal.com and read our blog  “Investigating the Investigator” !

Happy Hauntings !

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